Friday, 15 August 2014

Unforgettable - Surround Sound

Today our teacher revealed that he was installing a surround sound system in the room in which we do IST, which we will be able to use in our assignment. We looked over how you can manipulate surround sound in Sony Vegas, and I've found out that there are easy ways to make sounds come from certain speakers or move from one 'place' to another.

I plan on using this in my final presentation of 'Unforgettable' by, for example, having the car that crashes across the road in this ad go from the left speakers to the right speakers, as if it's flying across the audience. This manual for Sony Vegas and this video by montagical (at 4:40) helped me learn how to pan a sound from one place to another.

In short, you:

  • Right click on a layer (it has to be a layer with surround sound)
  • Select 'Surround Pan Keyframes' (or press Shift-P)
  • Right click on the bar that has appeared beneath the layer and select 'add point'
  • Select the point that has appeared and change the location of the orange dot
  • Repeat adding points until you have the amount of points you want

I may also have to add the sound of scraping metal or car crash sounds to the presentation so I can get them to move from one side to another easier without other sounds from the videos getting in the way. I think this will be a very effective tool for evoking an emotion if I utilise it well.

The surround sound editor on Vegas that I learned to use, the proximity of the orange dot to the speakers determines the volume of the sounds and music from each speaker

Sony Vegas Tutorial - Surround Sound! by montagical

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